Telecom Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Telecom terminology and jargon:



ASEAccredited Systems Engineer
ASIAsynchronous Serial Interface
ASICApplication Specific Instruction Code
ASLVAugumented Satellite Launch Vehicle
ASMAttached Sync Marker
ASN.1Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASPApplication Service Provider
ASPActive Signaling Protocol
ASPECTAutomation Signalling Performance Equipment Control And Telecommunications
ASRAutomatic Send-Receive
ASRAnswer Seizure Ratio
ASTIAlaskan Satellite Telecommunications Infrastructure
ASTIArrowhead Space and Telecommunications Inc
ASUArbitrary Strength Unit
ATATtention command
ATAccess Terminal
ATAAnalog Telephone Adapter
ATBAbove-ground Telecommunications Backbone
ATBAll Trunks Busy
ATCAAdvanced Telecom Computing Architecture
ATCAAdvanced Telecomm Computing Architechture
ATCAAdvanced Telecom Computer Architecture
ATCAAdvanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
ATCAAdvanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture
