United Nations Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the United Nations terminology and jargon:



ASCArea Security Coordinator
ASEANAssociation of South-East Asian Nations
ASMTArea Security Management Team
ASWADAssociation for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora
ATAbsolute Terror
ATCAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical
ATGMAnti-Tank Guided Missile
ATIAlternativa de Transporte Integrado
AUAfrican Unity
AUPEAchieve Universal Primary Education
AVRDCAsian Vegetable Research and Development Center
AWDAcute Watery Diarrhea
BADBanque Africaine de Développement (in French) African Development Bank Group
BATNABest Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement
BBCBurmese Border Consortium
BBIEDBody Borne Improvised Explosive Device (Suicide Vest)
BBRBuilding a Better Response
BCCBehavioural Change Communication
BCPRBureau For Crisis Prevention recovery
BDSBusiness Development Services
BESTBelize Enterprise for Sustained Technology
BFNBidding For New
BLIHRBusiness Leaders In Human Rights

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