Universities Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Universities terminology and jargon:



SDISystemic Development Institute
SDJSave Daniel Jackson
SDLStudent Directed Learning
SDLCStudent Diversity Leadership Conference
SDLINCSkill Development Learning International Centre
SDLINC QAQCSDLINC Quality Assurance and Quality Control
SDMSanutayshun Department Muzick
SDNStudent Doctor Network
SDQStudent Descriptive Questionnaire
SDRStudent Disability Resources
SDSSouth Dakota State
SDSMTSouth Dakota School of Mines and Technology
SDSUSan Diego State University
SDSUSouth Dakota State University
SDUScrapbook Design University
SDUISSan Diego University for Integrative Studies
SDZStereo Dual Zoom microscope
SEStudent Edition
SEScientific and Engineering
SEStudent Exercises
SEAStudents For Environmental Action
SEACSafety Environmental Assurance Centre
SEACStudent Environmental Action Coalition
SEADSummer Enrichment At Dartmouth
SEALStudents Educating Advocating for Literacy

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