Accounting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Accounting terminology and jargon:



AFNAdditional Funds Needed
AFNAAccounting For Non Accountants
AFPCAdvanced Financial Planning Certificate
AFPSAccounting for Pay System
AFRApplicable Federal Rate
AFRAccounting and Financial Reporting
AFROSAIAfrican Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
AFROSAI-EAfrican Organization of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions
AFSAdvanced Farming System
AFSAccounting and Financial Services
AFSBAccounting For Small Business
AFSCAFSCME Financial Standards Code
AFSIAvailable For Sale Investments
AFTAccounting, Financing, and Taxes
AFTAAssociate of the Federation of Tax Advisers
AFTRApplicable Federal Tax Rate
AFTSAutomatic Funds Transfer Services
AFUDCAllowance for Funds Used During Construction
AGAccountant General
AGAAssociation of Government Accountants
AGAAssociation of Government Accountants (US)
AGCRAccountant General of Central Revenue
AGIAccounting Group International
AGIAdjusted Gross Income
AGIAnnual Gross Income
