Accounting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Accounting terminology and jargon:



WASBWater Accounting Standards Board
WAVWith Added Value
WAVESWealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services
WBAWeekly Benefit Amount
WBGWorld Bank Group
WBLSWeb- Based Loan Summary Sheet
WCAHWorld Congress of Accounting Historians
WCARWestern Canadian Auditing Roundtable
WCCAEWWorshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
WCDWorking Capital Days
WCFGWorking Capital For Growth
WCFIWorld Class Financial Infrastructure
WCFNWorking Capital Financing Needs
WCFOWorking Capital Fund Operations
WCVWeighted Collateral Value
WDAWriting Down Allowance
WDDAWholesale Demand Deposit Account
WDESWeb Data Entry System
WDVWritten Down Value
WEHWhichever is High
WESCAWest of England Society of Chartered Accountants
WEVSWarranted Enterprise-Value-to-Sales
WFFPWeb Funds Financial Processing
WHCSWorkplace Health and Cost Solutions
