Accounting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Accounting terminology and jargon:



WPIWholesale Price Index
WPKWirtschaftspruferkammer (Germany)
WPPFWorkers' Profit Participation Fund
WPSWeak Price Signal
WRCCWestern Region Credit Conference
WRDWheeler, Ring, and Dolan, P. C.
WRISWage Record Interchange System
WROIWeb Return On Investment
WSMEWaddell, Smith, Magoon, and Freeman, L. L. C., CPA
WSPWholeSale Price
WSQWIll Send Quote
WSVWholesale Value
WSVWholesale Sales Volume
WTFWhere's The Funds?
WUAAWashington University Accounting Association
WUMTWestern Union Money Transfer
WWAMWorld Wide Accounting Machine
WWHWolf, Weis, & Horowitz, L. L. C., CPA
WYBWhen You Buy ....
WYPCWork Year Personnel Cost
WYSCAWest Yorkshire Society of Chartered Accountants
WZWL&WWhite, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna, & Wolf, Certified Public Accountants
XBRLeXtensible Business Reporting Language
XCPExtendable Commercial Paper
XHExtra High
