Advertising Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Advertising terminology and jargon:



AIMAdvertising Industry Mastermind
AIOAAll In One Advertising
AIPAAdvertising and Illustrative Photographers Association
AIPAAdvertising Illustrative Photographers Association
ALFDAdvertising Labeling and Formulation Division
AMASAAdvertising Media Association of South Africa
AMBAAdvanced Multimedia Billboard Advertising
AMINAdvertising Marketing Independent Network
AMMDAAdvertising Marketing Media Digital AdTech
AMPAd-Media Promotions
ANWPAdvertising National Working Party
AOAAffordable Online Advertising
AOAUAssociation of Outdoor Advertising of Ukraine
AORAgency Of Record
APCAdvertising Production Club
APCONAdvertisers Practitioners Council Of Nigeria
APCONAdvertising Practition Councils Of Nigeria
APDLAdvertising Permit and Developer Licence (APDL)
APESAdvertising Partners Everyone Succeeds
APIPAvailable Purchase Impression Percentage
APLBAdvertising and Promotional Labelling Branch
APLBAdvertising and Promotional Labeling Branch
APORDAdvertising and Public Opinion Research Directorate
APRAdvertising Production Resources
