Aerospace Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Aerospace terminology and jargon:



STAMPScience Technology Aerospace and Math Program
STMDSpace Technology Mission Directorate
TNESSFFTTOTen Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One
UAPUnidentified Aerospace Phenomena
UAPUnidentified Aerial Phenomenon
UAPUnidentified Aerial Phenomena
UAPUnidentified Anomalous Phenomena
UEAOUpper Edge Along Orbit
UFOUnidentified Flying Object
ULAUnited Launch Alliance
USEAU.S. Euro Aeronautics
USERSUnmanned Space Experiment Recovery System
VNSCVietnam Space Center
VOIVenus Orbit Insertion
WADMWindchill Aerospace and Defense Module
WALIWestern Aerospace Launch Initiative
WIAWomen in Aerospace
WUACWharton Undergraduate Aerospace Club
