Aerospace Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Aerospace terminology and jargon:



AMARGAerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group
AMDOAerospace Maintenance Duty Officer
AMOOSAutonomous Mission for On Orbit Servicing
AMOOSAdvanced Maneuvering Orbit to Orbit Shuttle
AMSAerospace Material Specifications
AMSAerospace Materials Specification
AnuB E Aerospace, Inc. Bach Engineering
AOCSAttitude And Orbit Control Subsystem
AOCSAttitude Orbit Control Subsystem
AOCSAttitude And Orbit Control Systems
AOEAerospace And Ocean
AOMEAerospace Operational Medicine Enterprise
APASAssistant Professor of Aerospace Studies
APOAerospace Projects Office
APOPAerospace Propulsion Outreach Program
AQEAerospace Qualified Entity
AQRDAerospace Quality Research Development
AQRDAerospace Quality Research and Development
ARAerospace Rocket
ARMADILLOAttitude Related Maneuvers And Debris Instrument in Low L Orbit
ARMASAutomated Radiation Measurements for Aerospace Safety
ASCDAerospace Satellite Control Division
ASCEAerospace Supply Chain Excellence
ASMHAerospace Structural Metals Handbook
ASQRAerospace Supplier Quality Requirements
