Aerospace Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Aerospace terminology and jargon:



ISCOinner–most stable circular orbit
ISROIndia Space Research Organisation
ISSInternational Space Station
ISTSOInnermost Stable Toroidal Spiral Orbit
IYKYKIf You Know, You Klark
JAFAARJet Aeroacoustic Facility for Aeronautical and Aerospace Research
JAXAJapan Aerospce Explotation Agency
JLASSJoint Land Aerospace and Sea Simulation
KAIKorea Aerospace Industries
KAIKorean Aerospace Industries
KARIKorean Aerospace Research Institute
KARIKorea Aerospace Reserach Institute
KDAKongsberg Defence Aerospace
KEOKeostationary Equatorial Orbit
KEOKerbisynchronous Equatorial Orbit
KSCKenedy space senter
KUASAKenyatta University Aerospace Students Association
LALaunch Azimuth
LALaunch Area
LAILean Aerospace Initiative
LDROlunar Distant Retrograde Orbit
LEOLow Earth Orbit
LEOSARLow Earth Orbit Search And Rescue
LFOLow Frequency Orbit
LIMALangkawi International Maritime Aerospace
