Agencies Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Agencies terminology and jargon:



AMWAAssociation of Metropolitan Water Agencies
ANAAmerican News Agency
ANCAAustralian Nature Conservation Agency
ANDAAssociation of National Dance Agencies
ANEAgency Network Exchange
ANELNicosia Development Agency
ANNAAbkhazian Network News Agency
ANRAgency of Natural Resources
ANSAAssociation of Nutritional Services Agencies
ANSAAssociation of Nutrition Services Agencies
ANSESThe French Agency for Food, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety
ANSPAgency for National Security Planning
AOEAgency Of Education
AOJAgency of Original Jurisdiction
AORAgency OFF Record
AOSCAAssociation of Official Seed Certifying Agencies
AOTAgency of Trillions
AOTNAgency of the North
AOYAgency of the Year
APAThe Acolyte Protection Agency
APAThe Acolytes Protection Agency
APHAAnimal and Plant Health Agency
APIIAgency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation
APMCAgency Program Management Council
APPACAssociation of Professional Placement Agencies and Consultants
