Artificial Intelligence Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Artificial Intelligence terminology and jargon:



AIPPArtificial Intelligence Policy and Practice
AIPSArtificial Intelligence Prognostic Steering
AIPSArtificial Intelligence Planning Systems
AIRAArtificial Intelligence Remote Access
AIRAArtificial Intelligence and Remote Assistance
AIRAArtificial Intelligence Remote Assistance
AIRCArtificial Intelligence Research Collaboration
AIRIArtificial Intelligence Retail Insights
AIRRArtificial Intelligence Robotic Racing
AIRSArtificial Intelligence Robot Selection
AISArtificial Intelligence Society
AISAArtificial Intelligence and Services Adaption
AISAASArtificial Intelligence Software As A Service
AISPArtificial Intelligence and Signal Processing
AITAArtificial Intelligence Teaching Assistant
AIUArtificial Intelligence Unit
AIUArtificial Intelligence United
AIYArtificial Intelligence Yourself
AIYArtificial Intelligence for Yourself
AKANCHAWAIt is symbolism of the disposition of God to do good always. His benevolence, kindness and expression of His love
ALEXAAmazon LEXicon Assistant
ALTAIAssessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
AMAutonomous Machine
AMLLApplied Machine Learning Lab
AMLTAdvanced Machine Learning Techniques
