Artificial Intelligence Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Artificial Intelligence terminology and jargon:



CAMLCompetency Aware Machine Learning
CCAIContact Center Artificial Intelligence
CCAICustomer Care Artificial Intelligence
CLAIREConfederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe
CMContent Model
CMConcept Monitor
CMLCenter for Machine Learning
CMLContinuous Machine Learning
CMRCognitive Machine Reading
CODTConfigurable Ontology to Data-model Transformation
CPAICorner Procedural Artificial Intelligence
CRAIComputational Radiology Artificial Intelligence
CUAICornell University Artificial Intelligence
CUAICambridge University Artificial Intelligence
D.O.U.G.Drawing Operations Unit: Generation x
DAIIADistributed Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
DBDynamic Brain
DBIData Based Insights
DLDeep Learning
DMAIData Mining and Artificial Intelligence
DMAIDectar Military Artificial Intelligence
DNLGDialogue and Natural Language Generation (computer linguistics)
DRLEDynamically Reconfigurable Logic Engine
DSAIData Science and Artificial Intelligence
DSAILDecision Systems and Artificial Intelligence Lab
