Artificial Intelligence Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Artificial Intelligence terminology and jargon:



IDBDIncremental Delta-Bar-Delta (algorithm)
IDCIntelligent Data Capture
IDFIntelligent Debris Free
IMLSInternational Machine Learning Society
ITNIntegrated Tactical Network
ITSIntelligent Tutoring System
IVRAIInteractive Voice Response Artificial Intelligence
IVRAIImmersive Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence
IWAIInternational Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
JITSJava Intelligent Tutoring System
KAAIKookmin Automotive Artificial Intelligence
KAIKaden Artificial Intelligence
KDEKnowledge Development Environment
LAIONLarge-scale Artificial Intelligence Open Network
LAIPLinking Artificial Intelligence Principles
LASPLayered Shortest Path Routing (computer algorithm)
LLMLarge Language Model
LLMLLife Long Machine Learning
LMLLink Machine Learning
LSMLLarge Scale Machine Learning
LTTTLong-Term Turing Test (Artificial Intelligence)
MARIMicrosoft Africa Research Center
MCMLMunich Center for Machine Learning
MDAIModeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence
