Air Force Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Air Force terminology and jargon:



ADAMAir Defense Airspace Management
ADANSAirlift Deployment ANalysis System
ADATAllied Directorate of Air Transport
ADCAir Defense Command
ADCCAir Defense Control Center
ADCCSAir Defense Command and Control System
ADCISAir Defense Command Information System
ADCOMAerospace Defense COMmand
ADDCAir Defense Direction Center
ADDCSAir Defense Command and Control System
ADEAir Defense Emergency
ADEOAir Defense Engagement Operations
ADEWSAir Defense Electronic Warfare System
ADFAAir Defense Functional Area
ADIZAir Defense Identification Zone
ADIZAir Defence Identification Zone
ADMACAir Defense Mission Area Concept
ADRAircraft Damage Repair
ADRLAir Date Required to Load
ADSAir Defense Sector
ADSIDAir Deliverable Seismic Intrusion Detector
ADSMAir Defense Suppression Missile
ADSWActive Duty Special Work
ADTCArmament Development and Test Center, Eglin Air Force Base
ADTOCAir Defense Tactical Operations Center
