Alliances Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Alliances terminology and jargon:



ACTESAAlliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa
ACTIAAlberta Clean Technology Industry Alliance
ACTOAlliance of Concerned Transport Organizations
ACTRAArizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance
ACTSAlliance for Community Transformation and Service
ACTSAlliance of Communities Transforming Syracuse
ADAAlternative Distribution Alliance
ADAAArmenian Dramatic Arts Alliance
ADCAAdvanced Degree Consulting Alliance
ADCAAsia Data Center Alliance
ADDAAlabama Drug Discovery Alliance
ADDEAlliance for Direct Democracy in Europe
ADFAlliance Defending Freedom
ADFAMAlliance for the Defence of the Family And Marriage
ADFLCAlliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo
ADGAlliance de Gauche (French: Left Alliance; Switzerland)
ADMLAlliance Digital Medial Library
ADNYAlliance for Downtown New York
ADPAAlabama Damage Prevention Alliance
ADSAlliance Data Systems
ADSEAlliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering
ADWAlliance of Downriver Watersheds
AEAAssociation Education Alliance
AEAAAids and Equipment Action Alliance
AEDAAlliance for Eating Disorders Awareness
