Alumni Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Alumni terminology and jargon:



ETASEngineering and Technology Alumni Society
FAAAFederation Of Aligarh Alumni Associations
FAASLFulbright Alumni Association of Sri Lanka
FANFuture Alumni Network
FASSFaculty, Alumni, Staff, and Students
FASTFordham Alumni Student Teams
FATACFlorida Alumni Tax Advisory Committee
FATEFuture Alumni for Traditions and Excellence
FBDSFellow British Display Society
FCAAFordham College Alumni Association
FCAAFoster Care Alumni Association
FEABFood Engineering Alumni of Bangladesh
FFAAfor FFA Alumni affiliate
FFAWFamily Friends and Alumni Weekend
FIAAFaculty of Information Alumni Association
FISAFederation of Independent School Alumni
FKAPHIForum Komunikasi Alumni Petugas Haji Indonesia
FOAAFort Ord Alumni Association
FSMAAFort Schuyler Maritime Alumni Association
FYAAFriendship Youth Alumni Association
GAAGeneral Alumni Association
GAAGreek Alumni Alliance
GAAAGrad Acting Alumni Association
GAABGeology Associates Alumni Board
GAACGreek Affairs Alumni Council
