Alumni Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Alumni terminology and jargon:



CTAACass Tech Alumni Association (Cass Technical High School; Detroit, MI)
CYAChapter of Young Alumni
DADiabetes Alumni
DAADuke Alumni Association
DAABDiversity Alumni Advisory Board
DAPRDevelopment Alumni and Parent Relations
DARPDepartment of Alumni Relations and Placement
DEAADepartment of English Alumni Association
DEAADistinguished Engineering Alumni Awards
DICADefence Industry Courses Alumni
DMAGDance Marathon Alumni Group
DNMADuke NUS Medical Alumni
DUAADavenport University Alumni Association
DYADallas Young Alumni
EAAElementary Alumni Association
EAAAIExtended Aftercare Alumni Association Inc
EACGEmory Alumni Consulting Group
EANEpiet Alumni Network
EBANElon Black Alumni Network
EFAAEagle Football Alumni Association
ELAWEmory Law Alumni Weekend
ENAMEuropean Network of American Alumni Associations
ENRASEnvironment and Natural Resources Alumni Society
ESAAErasmus Student and Alumni Association
ESAAEngineering Student Alumni Ambassadors
