Animal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Animals terminology and jargon:



1BZOne Beautiful Zebra
2 BSTwo Basque Sheepherders
2BSTwo Beautiful Swans
2NR2 Nag Ranch
A. A. L. MAll Animal Lives Matter,. I just heard about a house fire, where everyone lived except for 2 cats, and they seemed to just blow it off. I believe that if you bleed or feel pain then you are a creation of god and death does matter thank you
AAADAtlanta Animal Allergy and Dermatology
AAALACAssociation for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
AAALACAssociation for Assessment and Accreditation for Laboratory Animal Care
AAALACAssociation for Assessment Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care
AAALACAmerican Association of Animal Laboratory Accreditation Council
AAAPAustralasian Association of Animal Production
AABPAssociation of Animal Behavior Professionals
AACAustin Animal Center
AACAnimal Awareness Club
AACCCAnchorage Animal Care And Control Center
AACEAustralian Animal Care and Education
AACOCAnimal Assisted Counseling of Colorado
AACRAnimal-Assisted Crisis Response
AADAdvanced Animal Diagnostics
AAEAnimal Assisted Education
AAEUAquatic Animal Experiment Unit
AAFAnimal Assistance Foundation
AAFAnimal Adoption Foundation
AAFCOAmerican Animal Feed Control Organization
