Animal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Animals terminology and jargon:



APQAAnimal and Plant Quarantine Agency
APRLAnimal Protection and Rescue League
APSAnimal Protection Services
APSAnimal Protection Society
APSKAnimal Production Society of Kenya
APWGAnimal Palaeopathology Working Group
AQCSAnimal Quarantine and Certification Services
AQHAmerican Quarter horse
AQPMAnimal Quarantine Policy Memorandum
ARAnimal Rights
ARACAnimal Research Advisory Committee
ARAMSAnimal Reporting and Movement Service
ARANAnimal Rights Action Network
ARANAnimal Rescue Action Network
ARCCAnimal Research Community Channel
ARCFAnimal Research and Care Facility
ARCPAntigua Racer Conservation Project
ARDAgricultural research for development
AREBAnimal Research Ethics Board
ARECAAnimal Referral and Emergency Center of Arizona
ARECAAnimal Referral Emergency Center of Arizona
ARFAnimal Research Facility
ARFAnimal Rescue of Fresno
ARFAnimal Resource Foundation
ARFAnimal Rescue Friends
