Animal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Animals terminology and jargon:



ASACAnimal Science Advising Center
ASACAnimal Shelter Advisory Committee
ASAHAmherst Small Animal Hospital
ASAPAsapanimal Shelter Assistance Program
ASAPAnimal Shelter Assistance Program
ASAPAnimal Shelter Alliance of Portland
ASAPCAustralian Society Of Animal Production Conference
ASASAmerican Society of Animal Science
ASCABAnimal Services Center Advisory Board
ASECAnimal Specialty and Emergency Center
ASECAnimal Specialty Emergency Center
ASEDAnimal Systematics Evolution and Diversity
ASERTAnimal Surveillance Emergency Response Team
ASGAnimal Specialty Group
ASISAnimal Sterilization and Immunization Services
ASKAnimals Science and Know
ASLAPAmerican Society Of Laboratory Animal Practioners
ASLARAdventure Satos Loves Animal Rescue
ASLBAnimal Sciences Lab Building
ASNIAnimal Spay Neuter International
ASNRAnimal Social Network Repository
ASORAnimal Surgery Operating Rooms
ASPAAnimals Scientific Procedures Act
ASRGAnimal Studies Reading Group
ASRNAnimal Studies Research Network
