Animal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Animals terminology and jargon:



ASSABAustralasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour
ASSVAnimal Shelter of Schoharie Valley
ASVPAnimal Services Volunteer Program
ATAACAustralian Teens Against Animal Cruelty
ATDPAnimal Technician Development Programme
ATFAnimal Task Force
ATLAnimal Tissue Lysis
ATLAAlternatives to Laboratory Animals
ATNAnimal Telemetry Network
ATOLAnimal Trait Ontology for Livestock
AUAAAAdelaide University Aquatic Animal Association
AUAAAAdelaide University Aquatic Animals Association
AUDFAnimal Use Data Forms
AUEAnimal Unit Equivalents
AUPAnimal Utilization Protocols
AUPAnimal Use Protocol
AUWAAudubon's Warbler
AVAnimal Videos
AVGNAnimal Vocalization Generative Network
AVHOAnimal Veterinary Hospital Of Orlando
AVPAnimal Visitation Program
AVRIAnimal Venom Research International
AWAAnimal Welfare Association
AWAAnimal Welfare Approved
AWAAnimals With Attributes
