Animal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Animals terminology and jargon:



AWAAArctic Wolf Animal Agency
AWACAnimal Welfare Advisory Committee
AWAREAtlanta Wild Animal Rescue Effort
AWBIAnimal Welfare Board of India
AWECAnimal Welfare Export Certificates
AWFAnimal Welfare Foundation
AWFAnimal Wellness Foundation
AWFFAnimal Welfare Filming Federation
AWIAAnimal Welfare Impact Assessment
AWICAnimal Welfare Information Center
AWINThe Animal Welfare Indicators
AWLAnimal Welfare League
AWLAAnimal Welfare League of Arlington
AWLAAnimal Welfare League of Alexandria
AWLDAnimal welfare legislation database
AWMAnimal Waste Management
AWNCASA Wright Nature Centre (Trinidad & Tobago)
AWOLAnimal Welfare of Luxor
AWPAAnimals Welfare and protection Association
AWSAnimal Welfare Society
AWSBCAnimal Welfare Society of Bandera County (Texas)
AWSSAnimal Welfare Society Stellenbosch
AWTGAnimal Welfare Task Group
AWWAnimal Welfare Week
