Animal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Animals terminology and jargon:



ABRGAnimal Behavior Research Group
ABRIAnimal Behavior Resources Institute
ABROAnimal Breeding Research Organisation
ABSTAnimal Behavior Science and Technology
ABWGAnimal Behavior and Welfare Group
ABWGAnimal Biotechnology Working Group
ACAnimal Crossing
ACAnimal Chiropratic
ACAABAssociate Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist
ACAABAssociate Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists
ACAABAssociate Certificate Applied Animal Behaviorist
ACABAnimal Control Advisory Board
ACABAAthens County Area Beekeepers Association
ACAFAnimal Care and Assistance Fund
ACAPAnimal Care Assistance Program
ACARTAmador County Animal Response Team
ACATTAustralian College of Animal Tactile Therapy
ACBSAnimal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
ACCAnimal Crossing Community
ACCAnimal Control Center
ACCAnimal Care Centers
ACCAnimal Cell Culture
ACCCAnimal Chiropractic Certification Commission
ACCDAnimal Care Control Division
