Animal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Animals terminology and jargon:



AHAPAlabama Herpetological Atlas Project
AHBAfricanized Honey Bee
AHDOAnimal Health Divisional Office
AHEADAnimal Health for the Environment and Development
AHEBAnimal Hospital of East Barrie
AHHAnimals and Human Health
AHHHHAAnimals Helping Humans Humans Helping Animals
AHHHHAAnimals Helping Humans and Humans Helping Animals
AHIDFAnimal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund
AHLAnimal Health Laboratory
AHMFAnimal Health Mentoring Framework
AHOCAnimal Hospital of Clemmons
AHPDAnimal Health Product Distributors
AHRAnimal House Rescue
AHRAnimals Have Rights
AHRAnimal Housing Room
AHRCAnimal Health Research Center
AHSAnimal Humane Society
AHTanimal health technician.
AHTAnimal Health Technician
AHTAnimal Health Technologist
AHVAnimal Health Vision
AHWAnimal Health and Welfare
AIACArchivo de identificación de Animales de Compañía
AICUAnimal Intensive Care Units
