Animal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Animals terminology and jargon:



AIRCAAssociation of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture
AJAAnimal Jam Amino
AJASAustralasian Journal of Animal Sciences
AJSAnimal Jam Spirit
AKLAnimal Kingdom Lodge
ALAnimal Life
ALATAssistant Lab Animal Technician
ALAWAssociation of Lawyers for Animal Welfare
ALDFAnimal Legal Defense Fund's
ALDFAnimal Legal Defense Fund
ALFAnimal Liberation Fighters
ALGCAnimal League of Gaston County
ALLCAnimal Law Litigation Clinic
ALNAnimal Lab News
ALPHAAlternate Laboratory for Procedures and Housing of Animals
ALVAnimal Liberation Victoria
ALYAnimal Liberation Youth
AMAnimal Mechanicals
AMAAngels for Mistreated Animals
AMAFAnimal Medical Assistance Fund
AMAHAngell Memorial Animal Hospital
AMCAnimal Medical Center
AMCRAmerican Crow
AMCSAnimal Medical Center of Seattle
AMDUCAAnimal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act
