Archaeology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Archaeology terminology and jargon:



AAHAApplied Archaeology and History Associates
AAHSArizona Archaeological and Historical Society
AAIAAustralian Archaeological Institute at Athens
AAIRAviation Archaeological Investigation and Research
AAIWArts and Archaeology of the Islamic World
AARDAfrican Archaeology Research Day
AARGAerial Archaeology Research Group
AARNAnthropology Archaeology Research Network
ABIAAnnual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology
ACAMAmerican Center for Archaeology at Mycenae
ACASAAmsterdam Centre for Ancient Studies and Archaeology
ACUAAdvisory Council on Underwater Archaeology
ACVAApplications of Computer Vision in Archaeology
ADFArchaeology and Development Foundation
AEAEArchaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia
AEFSArchaeological and Environmental Forensic Science
AFOBArchaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin
AHMSArchaeological and Heritage Management Solutions
AHMSArchaeological Heritage Management Solutions
AIMAAustralasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology
AITCArchaeology in the Community
AJHAAfrican Journal of History and Archaeology
ALGAOAssociation of Local Government Archaeological Officers
AMSAccelerator Mass Spectrometry
AOCAll Out Corps
