Architectural Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Architecture terminology and jargon:



ASWApparent Source Width
ASWArchitectural Salvage Warehouse
ASWDArchitectural Salvage Warehouse of Detroit
ATAMArchitecture type analysis method
ATAMArchitecture Tradeoffs Analysis Method
ATAMArchitecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
ATBArch, Top, and Back
ATBCBArchitectural Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
ATCAAdvanced Telecom Computer Architecture
ATCAAdvanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
ATCAAdvanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture
ATCAAdvanced Telecommunications Computer Architecture
ATCMArchitectural Technology and Construction Management
ATLASAtomic-terrace low-angle shadowing
ATRUArchitectural Technology Research Unit
AUAbsorbance Unit
AuBCAustralian Building Certification
AUBSArchitecture Urbanism and Building Sciences
AUDArchitecture and Urban Design
AUIDArchitectural Urban Interior Design
AULAAdaptive and Ubiquitous Learning Architecture
AVATARAdvanced Virtual And Technological Architecture Research
AVITArchitects for Voice Integrated Technologies
AVOCArchitecture Vestimentaire Ornement Corporel
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