Architectural Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Architecture terminology and jargon:



TTTable Top
TTTerrazzo Tile
TTATransport Triggered Architecture
TTEATahoe Truckee Engineer's Association
TTFUTriangle To Fill Up
TTTATed Tokio Tanaka Architects
TTWTall, Thick, Wide
TVDTrue Vertical Depth
TVSSTransient Voltage Surge Suppressor
TWTop of Wall
TXVThermal eXpansion Valve
UAUnified Architecture
UACUtility Advisory Committee
UADUrbanism Architecture and Detailing
UAHSUlster Architectural Heritage Society
UAIUrban Architectural Initiatives
UAMUnited Architectural Metals
UAMUnified Architecture Method
UAOUrban Architecture Office
UAPUnited Architects of the Philippines
UAPUnified Architects of PIA
UBEUnits, Buildings, and Environment
UBLAUlrich Bachand Landscape Architecture
UCDUnreinforced Concrete Dome
