Assembly Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Assembly terminology and jargon:



BAUBaseline Assembly Unit
BBDBranch on Bastille Day
BBFABible Believers First Assembly
BCBABig Country Baptist Assembly
BCDBinary Coded Decimal
BCEBack Color Erase
BCMBranch on Condition Maybe
BCPBackspace Card Punch
BCRBackspace Card Reader
BCRBunch Counter Reset
BEAPBlast Extension and Assembly Program
BEQBranch if EQual
BEQLBranch on Equal Likely
BERBinary Encoded Representation
BETABut Except Than As
BEWBranch Either Way
BFBlock Fill
BFBring Forward
BFBusy Flag
BFBit Field
BFBuffer Full
BFBlank Field
BFABoulder Faculty Assembly
BFBBrute Force Binary
BFPBinary Floating Point
