Assembly Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Assembly terminology and jargon:



UDCUser Defined Codes
UDFUser Defined Function
UDFUser Defined Format
UDLUser Defined Language
UDPUser Defined Procedure
UDRUniversal Data Representation
UDRUpdate and Delete Record
UECUfop Executive Command
UEHUnified Exception Handler
UENUpdate Entity Name
UERUpdate and Erase Record
UHPAUniversity of Hawaii Professional Assembly
UIUnsigned Index
UIUnsigned Integer
ULUnsigned Long
ULCUnit- Level Code
UMUser Mode
UMCAUmbilical Midline Connection Assembly
UMRUnlock Machine Room
UMWIUnprocessed Message Waiting Indicator
UNEAUnited Nations Environment Assembly
UNFAUsed Nuclear Fuel Assembly
UNGAUnited Nations General Assembly
UNIVAC1Universal Automatic Computer1
UNPAUnited Nations Parliamentary Assembly
