Associations Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Associations terminology and jargon:



AABCAmerican Association of Birth Centers
AABCAmerican Association of Bariatric Counselors
AABCArchives Association of British Columbia
AABCAlaska Association of Basketball Coaches
AABCAmerican Association of Bariatric Counseling
AABCAccrediting Association of Bible Colleges
AABEAsian Association for Biology Education
AABFAssociation of Alternative Business Finance
AABPAssociation of Animal Behavior Professionals
AABPAssociation des aventuriers de Baden Powell
AABPAmerican Association of Bovine Practitioners
AABPAssociation of Area Business Publications
AABSAssociation of African Business Schools
AABSAustralasian Association of Buddhist Studies
AABSAnglican Association of Biblical Scholars
AABSAssociation for the Advancement of Biodiversity Science
AABSAustralasian Association for Byzantine Studies
AABSAgricultural Association of Biotech Students
AABSAustralian Association for Byzantine Studies
AABSSAmerican Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences
AABTAmerican Association of Behavior Therapists
AABTDAmalgamated Association of Beamers, Twisters and Drawers
AABWAssociation des Architectes du Brabant Wallon
AACAAtlanta Area Compensation Association
AACAAsian American Contractors Association
