Atmosphere Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Atmosphere terminology and jargon:



APRLAtmospheric Physics Research Lab
ASACApplied Sciences Advisory Committee
ASAMAll Scale Atmospheric Model
ASAPAtmospheric Solids Analysis Probe
ASCAtmospheric Stability Class
ASETAtmosphere Systems Exposure Targets
ASFDAtmospheric Spray Freeze Drying
ASIMAtmosphere Space Interactions Monitor
ASIMAtmosphere Space Interaction Monitor
ATACActive Thermo Atmosphere Combustion
ATMAtmospheres the amount
AVAPSAirborne Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System
AVAPSAirborne Vertical Atmosphere Profiling System
AVAPSAdvanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System
AVEAtmospheric Vortex Engine
AWGAtmospheric Water Generation
AWGAtmosphere Working Group
AWVPAtmospheric water vapor processing
AWVPAtmospheric water vapour processing
BASINBiosphere Atmosphere Stable Isotope Network
BATSBiosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme
BLAHBiosphere Lithosphere Atmosphere Hydrosphere
BTABombing The Atmosphere
CACTUSConverted Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Using Solar
