Atmosphere Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Atmosphere terminology and jargon:



CAKControlled Atmosphere Killing
CAMSCopernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service
CASACollaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere
CASIMCometary Atmosphere Simulator
CATISCamera Anmber Tomb Inner Soul
CCUSCarbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
CCUSCarbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage
CECCarbon Emission Characteristics
CGAMCentre for Global Atmospheric Modelling
CIRACooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
CIRACOSPAR International Reference Atmosphere
CMMAPCenter for multiscale modeling of Atmospheric processes
COADSComprehensive Ocean and Atmospheric Data Set
COARECoupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment
COARTCoupled Ocean and Atmosphere Radiative Transfer
COARTCoupled Ocean Atmosphere Radiative Transfer
COLACentre of Ocean Land Atmosphere
CREACentre for Research on Energy and clean Air
DAPDiminish the Air Pollution
DEWPDew Point
DIAADesign Interiors Architecture and Atmosphere
DLKHDude, Light Kinda Hurts
DSEARDangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations
EAOTExoplanet Atmosphere Observability Table
EAPSEarth Atmospheric and
