Atmosphere Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Atmosphere terminology and jargon:



OEAOxygen Enriched Atmosphere
OLthe Ozone Layer
OMOEOntario Ministry Of the Environment
OPALOuter Planet Atmospheres Legacy
OSEAOcean Sun Earth and Atmosphere
OSEAOcean Sun Earth Atmosphere
OSEAOcean Sea Earth and Atmosphere
PACUPortable Atmosphere Control Unit
PARKPositive Atmosphere Reaches Kids
PEAPositive Emotional Atmosphere
POAMAPredictive Ocean Atmosphere Model for Australia
RASTARadish Assimilation in Spaceflight Testbed Atmospheres
RCDARemoval of Carbon Dioxide from atmosphere
SARBSurface and Atmosphere Radiation Budget
SASSoutheast Atmosphere Study
SCRAMSupport Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling
SIFAStability In the Free Atmosphere
SMEARStation for Measuring Ecosystem– Atmosphere Relaa
SMEARStation for Measuring Ecosystem Atmosphere Relations
SOARSScripps Ocean Atmosphere Research Simulator
SOLASSurface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study
SPACSoil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum
STTASequential Transfer of Tank Atmosphere
SVATSoil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer
SVATSurface Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer
