Atmosphere Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Atmosphere terminology and jargon:



SWAMPStudies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production
TADCTunable Atmospheric Dispersion Compensator
TAMETime Atmosphere Materials and Equipment
TEATransversely Excited Atmospheric
THATouching Higher Atmospheres
TOATop of the Atmosphere
TOADTop Of Atmosphere to Detector
TOSATop Of Standard Atmosphere
TRAPSTrapped Reactive Atmospheric Particle Spectrometer
UARSUpper Atmosphere Research Satellite
UVAUnique Valuable Atmosphere
UVASUltraviolet and Visible atmospheric Sounder
VAMPVenus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform
VIRAVenus International Reference Atmosphere
VOCALSVamos Ocean Cloud Atmosphere Land Study
VTAVent to Atmosphere
VVOCVery Volatile Organic Compound
WFTWeather Fact
