Auditing Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Auditing terminology and jargon:



FBAPFreight Bill Audit and Payment
FBSAFederal Board of Supreme Audit
FGAFine Grained Auditing
FIARFinancial Improvement and Audit Remediation
FISCAMFederal Information System Controls Audit Manual
FISCAMFederal Information Systems Controls Audit Manual
FISCAMFinancial Information System Controls Audit Manual
FISCAMFinancial Information System Control Audit Manual
FISCAMFederal Information Systems Control Auditing Manual
FMAUFinancial Management and Audit Unit
FOFAFinancial and Operational Fitness Audit
FOSSAFree and Open Source Software Auditing
FOWAFuture Of Work Audit
FQAFinal Quality Audit
FRAANKFinancial Reporting and Auditing Agent with Net Knowledge
FSABFederal State Audit Branch
FSATFinancial Status Audit Techniques
FVOCIFair Value through Other Comprehensive Income
GAASGenerally Accepted Auditing Standards
GAATGlasgow Antimicrobial Audit Tool
GACVGuidance on the Audit of Customs Values
GAINGlobal Audit Information Network
GAMGlobal Auditing of Manufacturers
GAQGlobal Audit Quality
GASGeneralized Audit Software
