Authorities Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Authorities terminology and jargon:



AVESECOMAviation Security Command
AVIAuthority Volume Indexing
AVUAuthority and Verifications Unit
AWAKENAction with Authority Knowledge Empowerment and Newness
BAHABay Area Headquarters Authority
BAIBroadcasting Authority of Ireland
BAIBroadcast Authority of Ireland
BANABraille Authority of North America
BANCBalancing Authority of Northern California
BANTBudget Authority Need Timeline
BANTBudget Authority Need and Timing
BANTBudget Authority Need and Timeframe
BANTBudget Authority Need and Timeline
BANTBudget Authority Need and Time
BANTBudget Authority Need and Timescale
BANTBudget Authority Needs and Timeline
BANTBudget Authority Need Timing
BAOBereavement Authority of Ontario
BAOABotswana Accountancy Oversight Authority
BARDABiomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority
BARTABerks Area Regional Transportation Authority
BARTABerks Area Reading Transportation Authority
BATABay Area Toll Authority
BATABay Area Transit Authority
