Automotive Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Automotive terminology and jargon:



2MAATTwo Men and a Truck
2MCDual Master Cylinder
2MHTwo Mode Hybrid
2MHEVTwo Mode Hybrid Electric Vehicle
2MOTZweiter Motor
2NHDual Note Horn
2OHCDual Overhead Cam
2OHVDual Overhead Valve
2ORVMTwo Outside Rear View Mirrors
2OTLTwo on the Left
2PLDeux Places
2PLCDeux Portes Laterales Coulissantes
2PTDue Porte
2RAZwei Rad Antrieb
2RADouble Reduction Axle
2RMDeux Roues Motrices
2RVDouble Reservoir
2SATTwo Series Active Tourer
2SB2wd Short Bed
2SCTwo Second Club
2SETwo Stroke Engine
2SFTwo Stroke Fuel
2SGCTwo Series Gran Coupe
2SGTTwo Series Gran Tourer
2SITwo Speed Idle
