Awards & Medals Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Awards & Medals terminology and jargon:



BOBBest Of the Best
BOCBuilding Operator Certification
BOCBABest Of Craft Beer Awards
BOSBest Of Show
BOSTABritish Orthodontic Society Technicians Award
BOTBBest Of The Best
BOTWBest Of The Web
BOYABroker of the Year Awards
BPABest Paper Award
BPEABoeing Performance Excellence Award
BPFEBiwako Prize For Ecology
BPLSBreakthrough Prize in Life Sciences
BRAVEBaxley's Recognition Award For Volunteering Excellence
BRITsBrit Awards
BSCBronze Swimming Certificate
BSCBat Squad Certification
BSEABalanced Student Excellence Award
BSMBronze Star Medal
BSPABest Student Paper Award
BTAABlack Theater Alliance Awards
BTAABritish Television Advertising Awards
BTBABest Translated Book Award
BWABrandons Website Award
BWMABENCHMARK Wealth Management Awards
BYAABlack Youth Achievement Awards
