Awards & Medals Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Awards & Medals terminology and jargon:



FAPAFine Art Photography Awards
FASCFellow of the Amateur Services Committee
FASCFellow of the Academy of Saint Cecilia
FASEFellow of the American Society of Echocardiography
FASHPFellow of the American Society of Health System Pharmacists
FASIAFrench Aeronautics and Space Industry Award
FBFirst Best
FBDAFife Business Diversity Awards
FBHIFellow of the British Horological Institute
FBOAFellow of the British Optical Association
FCASFellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society
FCBAFrontiers in Cooperative Banking Awards
FCCAFellow Chartered Certified Accountant
FCCNAFair Competition and Creativity Nigeria Awards
FCEMFellowship College of Emergency Medicine
FCFIFellow of the Clothing and Footware Institute
FCFPFellow of the College of Family Physicians
FCIAFellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries
FCMAFellow Cost & Management Accountant
FCMAFrench Country Music Awards
FCSFSFellow of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science
FCSHPFellow of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists
FDAFurniture Design Award
FDAIFashion Design Awards India
FDBPFrederick Douglass Book Prize
