Baseball Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Baseball terminology and jargon:



BSBlown Save
BSBLBoys of Summer Baseball League
BSVBaseball Softball Verband
BTBats Throws
BTFBaseball Think Factory
BTFBaseball Tomorrow Fund
BWAABaseball Writers' Association of America
BYBSBolton Youth Baseball Softball
CCatcher (baseball)
CABAContinental Amateur Baseball Association
CABLCommonwealth Amateur Baseball League
CABLCharlotte Adult Baseball League
CALBColorado American Legion Baseball
CBACalifornia Baseball Academy
CBCChallengers Baseball Club
CBCACalifornia Baseball Coaches' Association
CBCCCollege Baseball Coaches Camp
CBGCertified Bucket Getters
CBSBCollege Baseball Scouting Bureau
CBSIChatham Baseball and Softball Inc
CBTCubs' Business Trade
CBTCompetitive Balance Tax
CBUACalifornia Baseball Umpires Association
CBUACollegiate Baseball Umpires Association
