Basketball Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Basketball terminology and jargon:



NBRPANational Basketball Retired Players Association
NBSANational Basketball Shooters Association
NBTNational Basketball Team
NBTCNational Basketball Training Center
NBVNiedersächsischer Basketball Verband
NBWANational Basketball Wives Association
NCAABNational Collegiate Athletic Association Basketball
NCAABNational College Athletics Association Basketball
NCBNandos College Basketball
NCBLNortheastern Conference Senior Basketball League
NCBLNational Community Basketball League
NCBLNon Chinese Basketball League
NCSBLNortheastern Conference Senior Basketball League
NEBLNorth European Basketball League
NEBRNew England Basketball Recruiting
NESBNew England Spartan Basketball
NGBANational Gay Basketball Association
NGBLNorthside Girls Basketball League
NHEBNorth Hills Elementary Basketball
NIBTNational Indigenous Basketball Tournament
NITPNational Intensive Training Program (Basketball South Australia)
NJBNational Junior Basketball
NLBANewfoundland Labrador Basketball Association
NLBANewfoundland and Labrador Basketball Association
NLBANorth Langley Basketball Association
