Bible Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Bible terminology and jargon:



ABSGAdult Bible Study Guide
ABSOAnagkazo Bible School for Online
ACOTAncient Context of the Old Testament
ActActs of Apostles
AGNTAnalytical Greek New Testament
AIBIAmerican Indian Bible Institute
ALABArabic Life Application Bible
ALBCAbundant Life Bible Church
ANTApocryphal New Testament
AOTBAuthorship of the Bible
APAPAutomatic Positive Airway Pressure
APNTAramaic Peshitta New Testament
APSEAssociated Press Sports Editors
APTRAAssociated Press Television and Radio Association
ASBAmerican Standard Bible
AUBAAfrica University Bible Academy
AVBAmplified Version Bible
B-RAIDBiblical Redundant Array of Independent Documents
BAAWBible as a Whole
BAMBible and Me
BARTBiblical Analysis and Research Tool
BASHBible Adventures Shaping Hearts
BBBible Bowl
BBCCBaptist Bible College Canada
