Biology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Biology terminology and jargon:



QTMQuartet Tree Method
QUBSQueen's University Biological Station (Lake Opinicon, Ontario)
QUBSQueen's University Biological Station
RAARandom Alt Alternatively
RABARadioactive Antigen-Binding Assay (molecular biology)
RABPRat Androgen Binding Protein
RAGERaw Active Green Energy
RBAReproductive Biology Associates
RBCRecommended Biological Catch
RBDReceptor Binding Domain
RBERelative Biological Eifectivenessl
RBOReproductive Biology of Orchids
RBUReproductive Biology Unit
RCCBRegenerative and Cancer Cell Biology
RCMBRespiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
RCSRecombinant Congenic Species
RCTBRecombinant Cholera Toxin B
RHAGRh-associated glycoprotein
RIPRegulated Intramembrane Proteolysis
RMMBLRNA Metabolising Metallo Beta Lactamase
RNPHRostral Nucleus Prepositus Hypoglossi
ROVRodent Operated Vehicle
RPCFReiter Protein Complement Fixation
RRBIRapid Readout Biological Indicator
