Biology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Biology terminology and jargon:



BGDFB-Cell Growth and Differentiation Factor
BGESBiological Geological and Environmental Sciences
BGGBiology Geography and Geology
BGPBiology Graduate Program
BGPSBiology Geology and Physical Sciences
BHDIBiology of the Human Dentition I
BHLBiological Half Life
BHUBiological Husbandry Unit
BIBiological Indicator
BIBiology Info
BICBBiomedical Informatics and Computational Biology
BICSBiological Ion Channel Simulator
BIDBisecting Indicating Device
BIDCBiological Imaging Development Center
BIEBiology of the Inner Ear
BIFBiological Imaging Facility
BIGHBiology of Infections and Global Health
BIIBiology Integration Institutes
BINPBiological Information New Perspectives
BIOBiodiversity Institute of Ontario
BIOBiological Interests Organization
BIO SCIBiological Sciences
Bio-ITBiology to Information Technology translational medicine
