Botany Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Botany terminology and jargon:



NDDNature-Deficit Disorder
NDVINormalized Difference Vegetative Index
NESBANew England Society of Botanical Artists
NFNorthern Forest
NFNatural Form
NFLNerve Fibre Layer
NFSNational Forest Service
NGNot Germinated
NGHPNative Graminoid and Herbaceous Perennials
NIABNational Institute of Agricultural Botany
NKNatural Killer
NLSNuclear Localization Signal
NMNorthern Maple
NNLENelumbo Nucifera Leaf water Extract
NOLCNO Longer Connected
NOLJNO Longer Joined
NOMNatural Organic Matter
NOMINOlina MIcrocarpa
NOMVNothoscordum Mosaic Virus
NPGSNational Plant Germplasm System
NPINot Plant Induced
NPPANational Pest Plant Accord
NPSBNational Policy and Strategy for Biodiversity
NPSPNative Plant Stewardship Program
NPVNon-Photosynthetic Vegetation
