British Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the British Medicine terminology and jargon:



ABPAMPA receptor binding protein
ABPAmyloid Beta Protein
ABPAnastomotic Bursting Pressure
ABPAndrogen Binding Protein
ABPantibiotic prophylaxis
ABPAntigen-Binding Protein
ABPAvidin-Biotin Peroxidase
ABPsActin-Binding Proteins
ABPSAmerican Board of Plastic Surgery
ABPSAssociate British Psychological Society
ABSabdominal muscles
ABSabdominal surgery
ABSAcid-Base Status
ABSAcute Bacterial Sinusitis
ABSAcute Brain Syndrome
ABSAdaptive Behaviour Scale
ABSAdmitting Blood Sugar
ABSAdult Basic Skills
ABSAgeing Brain Syndrome
ABSAmerican Back Society
ABSAmerican Board of Sexology
ABSAmniotic Band Sequence
ABSAmniotic Band Syndrome
ABSAntilock Braking Systems
