Bureaus Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Bureaus terminology and jargon:



BCASBureau of Custom Aviation Security
BCASBureau of Civil Aviation Security
BCASBureau of Civil Aircraft Security
BCBBeauty Consultants Bureau
BCBPBureau of Customs and Border Protection
BCCBureau of Cannabis Control
BCCBureau of Construction Codes
BCDEBureau of Communicable Disease Epidemiology
BCDPBureau of Communicable Disease Prevention
BCEBureau of Correctional Enterprises
BCERBureau of Compensation and Employment Relations
BCEWBureau of Curriculum and Extension Wing
BCFBureau for Children and Families
BCHSBureau of Community Health Systems
BCHSBureau of Community and Health Systems
BCIABureau of Criminal Information and Analysis
BCJBureau de Coordination des Jeunes
BCMEBureau of Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
BCMTBureau Central de Magnetisme Terrestre
BCPABureau of Construction Payments and Administration
BCPOBureau Chief Procurement Officers
BCRBureau of Collection Recovery
BCRPBureau of Climate Resilience Planning
BCRSBureau of Clinician Recruitment and Service
BCRSBureau of Clinician and Recruitment Service

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