Cancer Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Cancer terminology and jargon:



BOCPBreast and Ovarian Cancer Prevention
BOCSBreast and Ovarian Cancer Susceptibility
BPDCNBlastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm
BRABreast Reconstruction Awareness
BRCABReast CAncer
BRCABreast cancer antigen
BRCA1Breast Cancer 1
BRCA2Breast Cancer 2
BRCCBlue Ridge Cancer Care
BSCRNBrighton and Sussex Cancer Research Network
BSTBrain Surrounding Tumor
BWSCCBeatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
CAACancer Arthritis Artery
CACAChinese Anti Cancer Association
CACAChina Anti Cancer Association
CACVCancer Action Coalition of Virginia
CACVCancer Action Coalitiion of Virginia
CaDetCaDet is an effective expert system that can identify cancer at early stages
CAFCancer Associated Fibroblasts
CAIBCancer Alternative Information Bureau
CALGBCancer And Leukaemia Group B
CALMCancer And Leukaemia Movement
CAMCCancer Association of Mercer County
